Information on this page is focused on SOUL RYEDERS-specific programs,
as well as outside information regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.
SCROLL down for the latest updates and resources.
For questions related to anything on this page, please contact us at
SOUL RYEDERS' Safety Protocols
SOUL RYEDERS is proud to be part of Westchester with Care
and is committed to the well-being of our community.
Click below for SOUL RYEDERS’ New York State Forward Safety Plan
which details the safety measures and protocols we have in place
to keep our clients, volunteers and staff healthy and safe.
SOUL RYEDERS' Message to Our Community
Click below for the latest update on how we are continuing
to support our clients and tangible ways you can help.
Do You Need Assistance?
We recognize that you may need more assistance or additional resources right now. SOUL RYEDERS is committed to helping our community by either providing needed resources or connecting you to needed information about other organizations that can help.
SOUL RYEDERS' Update to Our Programs
Starting in October, our Meditation and Conversation and weekly Check-In group have combined! From 10:30am – 11:15am, Jackie or Julie will lead us through a guided meditation followed by a brief discussion about meditation practice. At 11:15am, we will begin our conversation / check-in group. This discussion will be facilitated by Stacy and include an opportunity to talk about coping with cancer and connect with others going through a similar experience.
Feel free to join this program for either portions or both!
This program will help you learn to quiet your mind, tune into your senses and be present to what is happening moment by moment instead of getting swept away by the story line of your thoughts. A guided meditation is followed by a chance to talk with other people impacted by a cancer diagnosis. People with cancer, survivors and caregivers are welcome to attend.
YOGA 4 CANCER: Live and Online
Our certified Y4C instructors will be leading these live online classes twice a week on Saturdays at 11:00am and Wednesdays at 9:15am throughout the fall. The class is one hour and is designed for cancer patients or survivors – whether new to Y4C or a previous attendee. Class size is limited to 8 participants.